Made of plant-based additives and naturally occurring organic compounds, our coatings are essentially food.
We offer one coating for many varieties, which can be easily applied using simple techniques commonly used today.
Our coatings provide natural-looking produce that stays fresh for much longer at ambient, cold and changing conditions.
Inherently biodegradable, our coatings remain effective throughout the supply chain, producing no by-waste.
We offer a solution that can be used everywhere, by everyone, for a wide variety of fresh produce.
We aim to offer food producers, big and small, anywhere around the world, a simple, affordable and sustainable solution for prolonging the shelf life of fresh fruit and vegetables - helping create a plastic free world where costly food loss and waste are a thing of the past.
Food production is enough
to feed the world twice,
while one in nine people goes hungry.
Even though plastic packaging
plays a vital role in protecting
food, more sustainable solutions are needed.
This is also reflected in regulatory activities that exert pressure on plastic use and food loss and waste.